Friends, in this article I am going to tell you about the most viral presets of lightroom, it has become very viral on youtube because the color tone of these presets is very amazing. This presets has got 7 million + views in youtube which nick technical youtube made video 2 years ago today. And the name of this presets is aqua and orange preset nick technical. These presets are searched a lot on Google. This aqua and orange preset is taken to be true by the name of nick technical aqua and orange on Google. To download this aqua and orange preset, you have to read this article till the end. Then you will know everything about how you can download aqua and orange preset. Paste this lightroom presets in your photo which you have clicked in green park.

What Is Lightroom
Lightroom is a powerful app developed by Adobe. Lightroom was first launched for PC, Apple MacBook and Windows. But after the success of Lightroom on the Windows platform, Adobe launched Lightroom’s mobile app for all those people. The Lightroom mobile app is a powerful app for those who do not have a Windows PC and an Apple MacBook. In which all the options are available that you use in PC, Apple MacBook and Windows. If you want more features in the Lightroom mobile app, you can also download the Lightroom Pro app. With Lightroom you can edit your photo on your photo like a professional photo editor. Through this you can add amazing color tone to your photo.
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Aqua and Orange preset nick technical Lightroom Presets
Lightroom presets are built on top of a normal photo that contains a mixture of several colors. With the help of which you can add a tremendous color effect to any of your photos in just one click without much effort, friends, you know that there are many people who do not know how to use the Lightroom app properly, but this Lightroom Presets all those ones. Makes the job a lot easier, as there are many tools and options in Lightroom and not everyone knows how to use them properly, so you can read below how you can use Lightroom presets.
Nick Technical aqua and Orange Preset Download
In this article how to download Aqua and Orange Lightroom Presets Lightroom Presets, you will download Aqua and Orange Lightroom Presets by clicking on DOWNLOAD PRESET below. You can add Aqua and Orange effect to your photo by applying this PRESETS to your photo. . If you don’t know how to use the Lightroom app, read below.
System requirements
- Android phone Device version – Android 4.0 (kitkat) or above
- RAM – 1 GB
- 4 GB Space on Android phone Device
- Installed Lightroom app latest version
Adobe Lightroom Information in Hindi
Adobe Lightroom CC Mobile is a photo editing application and this Lightroom application is created by Adobe and Adobe Lightroom was first made for PC and then it was also launched on Android and iOS. Look at the popularity in its logo. do . In Adobe Lightroom CC Mobile, you are not given as many tools as PC, but all the tools are very powerful, with the help of which you can give a professional look to your photo. I hope it helped you to know about Adobe Lightroom CC Mobile
Lightroom Presets Information
लाइटरूम प्रीसेट 1 फोटो के ऊपर बना होता है, जिसमें कई रंगों का मिश्रण होता है, जिसकी मदद से आप अपनी किसी भी फोटो पर बिना एडिटिंग के सिर्फ 1 क्लिक में बेहतरीन कलर्स और इफेक्ट दे सकते हैं, दोस्तों ऐसे कई सारे हैं जो लोग लाइटरूम पसंद करते हैं। इसका सही तरीके से उपयोग करना नहीं आता है, लेकिन लाइटरूम प्रीसेट उन सभी लोगों के काम को सिर्फ 1 क्लिक में बहुत आसान बना देता है, और यदि आप सभी को प्रीसेट का उपयोग करना नहीं आता है, तो आप नीचे दिए गए लेख को पढ़ सकते हैं कि कैसे उपयोग करें प्रीसेट
How to use Aqua and Orange nick technical Presets
Lightroom presets are built on top of 1 photo, in which there is a mixture of many colors, with the help of which you can give great colors and effects to any of your photos without editing in just 1 click, friends there are many people who like Lightroom I like it. Not knowing how to use it properly, but Lightroom presets make the job of all those people very easy in just 1 click, and if you don’t know how to use presets at all, you can read the article below. How to Use Can Presets
- Download this preset by watching Youtube videos.
- By selecting this preset, you can add it to your Lightroom app.
- Now open this preset in Lightroom Mobile.
- Go to the 3rd point on the top right and select the Copy option.
- Then open your photo in the Lightroom mobile app.
- Go to the 3 dot in the top right and select Paste Settings.
- Now you will see that your photo has been edited with Lightroom presets.
Friends, in this post you must have learned a lot from ‘Aqua and Orange Lightroom Presets’ and how did you like this article? What kind of posts/articles would you like to see next on our site? You can ask me all these problems/queries in the comment section below. And I will answer you as soon as possible.